Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Sharing ideas

What makes you feel happy? Eating makes me feel happy. 

Eating is always at the expense of other life. What is eating if not taking others lives for your own? There is nothing you could eat that wasn't recently, or isn't still, alive. Your food wouldn't be nutritious if it didn't have life in it. You either eat, or get eaten. You are the food that eats the food. This is the essential conundrum of life

Try and remember to say a prayer of thanksgiving before you chomp down on your food. 

And if you happen to be about to be eaten, try and remember to say a prayer of forgiveness.

Life is not permanent. Your life is coming to an end soon enough. 

Life on this earth, too, will end. Life is very fragile on this planet. It could all end in a moment. A volcano, or an asteroid, or a comet or a meteor or anything else like that could end it for us in a second. Be aware that this could happen.

As long as I feel like I'm in equal balance with the universe, I'll be okay. If I do something wrong, I want to be punished, and if I do right, I want to be rewarded. I just want justice. It has nothing to do with what *I want.

It's not about you, or me, but about *all of us. Lose your selfish selfishness. Lose your pride. Lose your ego. We all have to think about the Home Team. We have to Cooperate. We're comPatriots.

Everything in proportion. The universe is just the way that it should be.

According to Albert Einstein, Material reality was made up of 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension.

♫ I know that life goes on just perfectly; everything is just the way that it should be. 

Don't criticize from below. That is called hypo criticism. Most people lack much self-awareness. Just analyze the beam in your own eye before you criticize the mote in your brother's. 

I'm trying to get into your mind some kind of vision of the way I see the world.

If you don't have anything to say, don't say anything at all. That's pretty simple.

At least be aware of your failings. People just want to be Negative Nancies. People just *want to criticize, just *want you to fail.

Take you, me, and everybody else, including the rocks, dirt, and trees, and put it all together into one entity, and that would be GOD

Please help me to go Forward, Lord.

Don't be a Failure. Be the best You that You can be.

It better stick if I was talking to you and I said something right. If I said anything wrong I'll try correcting myself and say it right the second time.

I believe in God.

A good man is a bad man's teacher, a bad man is a good man's charge.

To meditate, shut up.

Don't judge quality; don't pronounce one thing good and another thing bad. Instead, be like a baby: just observe

These ideas represent the way I think. 

A lot of my ideas would be Great for the human race if we would Just inCorporate them.

One thing I can't stand is when people don't even give you a chance, give up on you before you even start.

Never say this: 'you're no good at it so you should never even try it.'

One thing I can't stand is when anyone says, 'you suck, so don't even try.' That's the Worst attitude right there. That's the Pits.

With that belief, you'd never get Any good at Anything 'cause one Always starts out sucking.

You have to start out a Molehill before you can become a Mountain.

No one would be good at Anything if they didn't start out small and build up from there because everybody Sucks at everything at first

No one gets truly good at anything without practicing lifetimes upon lifetimes at it

No one ever got good at anything without putting a Lot of time into it, Frequently and Consistently

No one who is good at anything hasn't Recently put a lot of Frequent and Consistent time into it!

FREQUENCY & CONSISTENCY from lifetime to lifetime.

I believe in living and letting live. 

I would never kill you or anyone else unless I was absolutely starving.

So death is very real for Me, but not for You?


It's going to serve you knowing that you're going to die. It's a good thing to realize that you're going to die. It's a gift to be told so. Knowing that death is inevitable 'll make you enjoy life more; it's in the good books. 

Fuck You.

Sympathetic concern is self-protection.

You can't Wish Anything on Anyone else without God Wishing the Same thing for You.

I am trying to be good. This is for 2 reasons: to serve mySelf and to serve God.

Another thing I can't stand is when people won't let you even compare yourSelf to someone really really good, or even Try to stand up to them; we're all in the same room.

I just want everyone in his right place everything in its right place

Everyone is a poTential genius.

One thing I do have to work on is eating less. 

I must work on consuming less in general. I must become more frugal.

'All generalizations are false,' 'Never say never.' Statements like this always have an exCeption. There's an exception to Every rule in the Material world. Everything has an exception except for God. He is the only thing for which there is No exception.

I hate nihilism. Nihilism (for those of us who don't know) is the idea that nothing is worth it: nothing matters, nothing counts; there's no point, no reason to do Anything. I hate that shit. That shit's the pits!

And that's what a lot of you Act like sometimes. I know you don't really beLieve that, but you Act like that sometimes. Stop being such a goddamn fool. Goddamn your pride and goddamn your ego.

When I ask for help from God, I expect You to help me because, if you Are good, you will Try to emBody God. 

We Are God.

If I were a perfect spirit being, I would never worry about pain or getting hurt. I would live aBove pleasure & pain.

Everyone is perfect just the way we are.

We're all exactly where we need to be.

I Really dont like it when people Try to go out of their way to deliberately hurt other people; it's eNough of a struggle aVoiding hurting others.

Being good=Not hurting other people.

I can take a Little bit of pain. We should All be able to take on a Truckload of pain. In an Ideal World, we could All take on a Truckload of pain without crying out whining or whimpering. In an Ideal World, we could All take on a Truckload of pain without complaint 

Dishing out pain Intentionally is the Definition of Stupidity: making a Point to hurt others, actually making the Effort to hurt others.

The Dhammapada speaks of self-possession. Self-control is supremely difficult. It is the most difficult thing in the world. Most people I believe spend Most of their time Trying to prevent themselves hurting others, Trying to aVoid it.

It's so very difficult Not to hurt others, why would we disavow the immensity of that struggle, going in the Opposite direction, going Out of our Way to hurt others?

Most of the time we hurt others, it's by accident.

Hold onto yourself. Grasp your core. Many people lack self-control.


♫ Anything is everything. Everything is anything. 

Avoiding hurting others=Being good. Do it to avoid Getting hurt (Karma is very real, 'for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.').

The Best changes are changes of Consciousness.

You've got ta know where you Are before you can Get to where you Want to go; You can't imProve something if you don't know it's misTaken.

I want my life to be Satisfying.

*This is what you never want to say: 'Never Try. Nihilism's Good.'

We tend to miss the Forest for the Trees. We consider this Week, meanwhile forgetting the span of our Life. 

They're the Two exTremes.

Missing the Forest for the Trees: a bad Habit. Considering the Meaning of LIFE: the IDeal.

Don't criticize Anyone.

Of Course God is good. Don't lose hope in yourSelf, don't get down on yourSelf. I don't have any responsibility to Anyone but God. God can't lie. I try not to.

If someone is being negative on Facebook, best to sleep on the response.

Everything good takes time. You must be patient. 'The Waiting Is The Hardest Part.' ­­—Tom Petty

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