Thursday, January 25, 2024

58 New Ideas/Thoughts/Mini-Essays

1. Here’s an idea for if you’re producing a record album: display FOOD on the cover of the album, the Kind of food that You would want to eat.

It will make your album more Appetizing.

2. I’m getting through to the other side of pain.

All you can control is yourself.

3. If you’re trying to develop the ability to hear in ‘Perfect Pitch’, and you’re trying to determine Which pitch you’re Currently Hearing, remember: there isn’t That large of a selection to choose from. About *7* different tones.

Also, that the Distance between any 2 successive notes is quite large.

You see, it’s not that hard.


People are hypocrites.

Most people are nonthinking clods. 

Don’t people know how to keep their mouths shut?

People are so full of hurt.

People are cruel.


Can you shut the fuck up?

Be the change you want to see. Be patient and Wait.

5. See, the thing is, when one of these ‘virtuoso’ musicians executes a virtuosic ‘phrase’, he would have never wanted You to hurt Me over it!

6. Most people have a big Problem getting Out of themselves.

7. I am feeling some ANXIETY. I'm waiting for Savannah to call me back.

8. Tryin’ to find some joy EVERY DAY.

9. Tao Te Ching– Chapter 67:

‘I have just three things to teach: SIMPLICITY, PATIENCE, COMPASSION.

These three are your greatest treasures.

SIMPLE in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being.

PATIENT with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are.

COMPASSIONATE toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.’

10. The way I act is not a façade!

11. I hate the way that my Ss sound so sharp!

Life is a pain in the ass.


How bad or how good Is the human race?

How good or how evil is the World?

How good or how evil is the underlying fundamental reality Of the world?

13. Whenever people are being really nice to me, I am afraid that they are just being nice to compensate for something cruel that they have planned.

14. So many reasons to feel good.

It’s a sin to feel inGratitude.

15. God has built this world with certain Compromises. To get through life without any pain is not to be expected. But life, even though it is not pain-Free, is do-able. It’s not infeasible, or imPossible to manage. It’s not un-Do-able.

Everything has a counterbalance.

If you are going through pain, it too, shall pass. 

Periods of pain are followed by periods with-out pain.

It pays to accept everything with the same kind of impartiality. Neutrality in the face of every circumstance— positive or negative— is the Middle way— the corRect way. Non judgmentally feeling aBove pleasure and or pain is the Answer, the way to spiritual conTentment.

16. Music is not just fun and games, it’s a whole Way Of Life.

17. The main quality of good music is that it is In the Pocket

Think about it: You wouldn't want to listen to a music, you wouldn't even Like a music, if it wasn't In the Pocket, if it was all irRegular and Disorderly, Sloppy and ALL OVER THE PLACE. THAT is what makes a music BAD.

18. EVERYTHING will go down on your permanent record.

19. Guitar players: to use or not to use vibrato? 

Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen: Frequently.

Kurt Cobain, Peter Buck: Not very often.

Old Kurt hated the overuse of vibrato. Keep it to the Nuts and Bolts. But then again, you can't fake simplicity. If vibrato comes out, let it come. On the other hand, try to suppress the need to 'vibrate'. If you're Trying to vibrate, you're fucked up. 

20. A Reason to be Joyful: if I add up all of my facebook posts, over the years, they add up to Something.

21. People will blame you for things that you Didn’t even do wrong. 

RIGHTEOUSNESS: a source of joy.

22. You’re gonna have’ta get over the flaws.

23. PAIN

‘My voice is in vain: how can I explain personal pain?’ —Gordon Gano from the Violent Femmes.

‘All you have is what you are, and what you give.’— Ursula K. Le Guin on Suffering and getting to the other Side of pain.

‘Pain is weakness leaving your body.’— Bruce Lee.

‘Don’t be Mad about Pain. Quite the contrary: Sympathize with it. It's the only way Out.’— Slade.

'If you Don't complain about pain, you build up Cosmic Credit. When you Have made it through, you'll be glad you didn't comPlain.' —Slade.

24. Forgiveness and compassion: the way.


I sure would love to drive.

It’s apparently a necessary evil.

In this world, Everyone drives. Do you just want ta get left behind?

I just don’t have the Money. I haven’t had the Money in Years.

How do you collect or earn the money if you can’t get your Ass to a Job, and no one Calls you for the one that you Advertise?

I don’t want to work at some shitty job, I don’t want to have to rely on ACTA for my ride.

I haven’t driven in over 13 years. 

I haven’t driven in over 13 years. If you think I haven’t paid enough for my supposed ‘crime’ of driving in my own neighborhood 'high' on 'pot', which I have paid for 13 years not driving—being on the outskirts of society, not having enough money to afford a car or the wherewithal to earn another driver’s license—think again.



Each paragraph should merely and simply introduce an idea.

It should be ORGANIZED.

27. Faith in God will save us from all our sins.

28. God rewards Right Behavior.

29. Only God and yourself know whether you’ve Really been tryin’ your Best.

30. ‘A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.’— Bruce Lee.

I often think of the sentiment behind this quote. 

I know that I will probably never become a rockstar.

And then you get into the Immortality of the Soul, reincarNation and the Next life. And the one after that. And the one after that

31. You can’t go through life feeding yourSelf, if that’s All you do, and expect to get by. Self-serving’s the Way of Death. To get By, you must feed OTHERS. Serving OTHERS is the way of LIFE. You must Care for Something outSide of yourSelf to Get By.

32. ‘Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one’ Bruce Lee. Turning the tables on the traditional logic.

33. Reading is the best thing I know of that helps me to slow down.



36. My Goal is to read Only the Classics, or at least Only those works that could reasonably be Qualified as classics...


38. I deal with evil people every day. I just need to remember that they are the embodiment of Satan.

39. Nothing is ever Perfect.

40. Lost and or missed opporTunities: a source for lament. 

41. Give it all to GOD.

42. Sin is Plain and Simple disoBedience.


Say no to the Flesh and yes to the Spirit.

Whichever one you Feed will subdue the other.

44. Feed your Soul, not your Body. Sometimes you can feed your soul by Not feeding your body.

45. I wish that people would stop assuming shit left and right.

46. Everything has its time and its place. 

The converse of this is that Everything has a time and place that’s Totally Inappropriate for it.

47. There is no REAL Death.

48. I’m hoping the world doesn’t blow up in my age.

49. Anxiously awaiting the springtime..

50. Just be thankful that things are not As bad as they Could be.

51. I am dePressed.


53. I am unSatisfied with my current LIFE.

54. Death is on the horizon.

55. Everything taken in CONTEXT can be understood. Understanding is Love and Love is Understanding.

56. SIMPLICITY: You can't Fake that shit. It must come from the inside Out.

57. WRITING RULE: Contract it until you Can't contract it anymore.



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