Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Individual Ideas I Came Up With This Morning, 2-25-2025

Pains taking

What is really at stake? Responsibility.

It's a trick of the mind.

Every day I wake up and it's the struggle of facing another day without people, sunk in a world of books

The world of ideas.

Is life worth living?

'I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.' —Lady Antebellum

'O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?'—1 Corinthians 15

The unfolding of a moment at a time: responsibility.

Always stretching higher.

Always a neverending challenge.

CHIME: Harmonize.

Contradiction/paradox/coexistence of two seemingly contradictory truths.

'It's both.'

Individual willpower. What is YOUR responsibility? What do YOU do to help?

'For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?'—Mark 8

Don't be irresponsible. Don't accept futility.

One step at a time. We start where we are.

Who am I? What kind of education do I have? 

I have an undergraduate degree.

So far. 

How many pains do I have to take? 

¿Hasta cuándo de esa lucha?

Do people listen to you? Do you think that others view you as a leader? Do you suspect that?

Humility is the root of honour.

I only have so many more years to do what I have to do.

We don't know our unconscious personalities. 

Don't let others get your kicks for you.


How big am I? How important a figure am I?

I'm sick of being disparaged. 

Stop accusing so much.

Keep on growing. 

Strive for improvement. 

What is real and valid?

Talking down (paideic) or speaking up (obsequious)? 

'The world hangs on a thin thread, and that is the psyche of man.' —Carl Jung

I demand some respect. 

The language that you use. What does it say about you?

Through what lens do you see the world? 

What I would like to see is more Humility in the world.

Less put downs.

People assume too much.

I will say this. This is my impression. It may be inaccurate. Seems that way to me though.

I experience FAR too much misandry in my life.

The extrovert relies on sensation whereas the introvert relies on intuition.  

Try to get you a new way of seeing the world. 

I want a bigger voice. I wish people would listen to me more. 

All of this unnecessary pain.

Satan is very much at large. It is my agenda to advise you on how to get 'im behind you. 

What have you said (or not said)?

I'm looking for a new take. 

Seeking contributions. 

The things that you do NOT say. What does THAT say about you?




My tongue is rigid. 

I aim to loosen it up. 


I seek to escape my labyrinth. 

People are nosy. 

What can I offer?


Problems are opportunities. 

For example, when my cat meows annoyingly, it's just an opportunity to take a deep, soothing breath. 

Most people throw their hands up in the air and say it's all futile.

I am a social critic. 

Thinking upward. 

My life is pretty good/It's not that bad. 

Ideas for the sake of ideas. Because they're beautiful. They're sources of pleasure, 
enjoyment, and entertainment. 

If they lift someone up or lead someone somewhere, all the better. 

I long for, I yearn for the exposure of the hypocrite. 

In a sense.

If I could offer something that you would use, I would be happy. 

Please take and use what you can from my Thoughts.

Oftentimes, no need to say it out loud; we're listening, anyway.

Editing from the ground up: for a good purpose. 

Responsibility to the self, pride, faithfulness to one's inner voice: justified. 

I want more words, a bigger vocabulary. Only way to get there is 1 word at a time. Tortoise beats the hare every single time.

Something about the mentality of the stoic appeals to me. Bite the bullet, suppress the pain. 

Jesus advised the forgiveness of one's enemies. 

Know that eventually, however, it'll have to come to light. Everything's got a counterbalance; everything'll come out; every situation is temporary. 

You must suffer a little bit more. 

'You just haven't earned it yet baby. You must suffer and cry for a longer time.' —Morrissey 

Why do you defend stupidity?

No one likes to be talked down to, but everyone needs it, sometimes. 

Infinite love will always win. 

Love is a struggle, though.

How deep is your love?

Expose your biases. 

Reveal them. 

I despise being disparaged. 

Oversimplification is a habit of stupidity. Overexplaining is, too. 

Underestimation of the formidableness of a problem is a habit of stupidity. Overestimation is, too.  

It does matter.

You can't change where you are. You can only go forward. (Or backward.) 

How much strain can the world take? 

I think of a story my friend John told me, in jail. He and his girlfriend were having sex, and she was worried she was going to break his dick by weighing too hard on 'im or screwing 'im too hard. But he said, 'Don't worry, honey; I can take it; I'm strong.' Sometimes some things can just bear the burden that we put on them; they're just strong enough. 

Lots to explore in this world.

You have to keep an eye on YOUR truth, what you know like you know like you know to be true.  

We've all got the capacity to be misled.
My dad knew that a board of plywood would withstand a blowtorch, so he didn't listen to me when I asked him to stop. He went ahead and did the work, 


Patience and time. 

The past may justify the present and the future, the present may justify the past and the future, and the future may justify the past and the present. So you see, time takes care of everything. All the great minds of the world have always known that Time, in the absolute sense, doesn't move at all. 

Whatever is is for eternity, independent of time passing.

No one wants to die/Everyone wants to die. 

Life is precious to all. On the other hand, at the end of the day, who in the world wants to live forever? 

We all need the occasional break. 

Better and worse.

There is a right and a wrong. 


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